The Child Advocacy Counselling Program (CAC)
The CAC counselling program provides a confidential, child friendly, child focused counselling program for children and youth who have experienced sexual and/or physical abuse. It also serves supportive family members/caregivers. Individuals are referred to the program by the Niagara Child Advocacy Unit’s multidisciplinary team (child protection, police, court and medical personnel working for the family).

The FCC therapist provides immediate, crisis support and ongoing counselling to victims of child abuse. Individuals who are referred to the program can expect:
- An experienced therapist, who is knowledgeable about abuse and the emotional recovery process and who has talked with many parents, children and youth who have concerns and confused feelings as a result of the abuse.
- A confidential space for you to share how this has impacted you.
- A safe place for you and your child to talk together about what has happened and for you and your child to discover how to start feeling better again.
- Information about abuse and how it affects children and youth.
- Opportunity to learn new skills and strategies to help you overcome the abuse.
Information sessions are offered intermittently throughout the year and provide information about, child sexual abuse, the effects on children and adolescent’s development when they have been sexually abused, how to support children who have made disclosures and community supports and services available for families where a child has been abused.
This program has been made available through the generosity of the United Way and there are no costs to individuals and families. Therapy sessions and information sessions are offered at the Kristen French Child Advocacy Centre Niagara at 8 Forster Street, St. Catharines.
Therapy sessions are also offered at other FCC locations throughout the Niagara Region.
Walk In Clinic
Through this program, the FCC can offer professional counselling either through telephone, virtual, or in person sessions. Appointments are required. Individuals can call our office at 905-937-3226 from Monday-Friday between 8:30 am and 4:30 pm to request an appointment time. We will do our best to ensure you receive a call from one of our qualified Therapists within one working day. This support is available to individuals experiencing a concern, a personal crisis, and/or seeking information about specific services in the community. Individuals may want to discuss marital, relationship or a range of other issues. This walk in counselling program is made available through United Way funding, however, it is subject to available funds.

Fee Subsidy Program
The FCC therapists offer scheduled individual, marital and family therapy sessions to address a wide range of concerns and issues including:
- stress, grief, loss, trauma, depression, anxiety, anger, self-esteem, and work-related issues, child behaviour, parenting issues and blended family issues relationship issues separation, and/or divorce;
Appointments are available Monday through Friday. Each scheduled appointment costs $140.00 per session. Subsidized rates may also be available.

Violence Against Women Service Experience Survey
The Ontario Government and the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services want to hear about your recent experience accessing support for survivors and people at risk of violence and/or gender-based violence (e.g., abuse, control, human exploitation/trafficking, harm, and/or harassment). In completing this survey, the feedback you share will help to improve the way they provide services.
The survey takes about 10-15 minutes to complete. It is your choice to complete this survey. Completing, or not completing this survey, will not impact the services you are currently waiting for or receiving.
Your responses will be kept confidential, meaning that your individual responses will not be shared with others and all surveys completed will be summarized together by ministry staff.
To help keep responses private, please do not include personal information, such as your name, phone number and/or email address.
If you are in danger, please 911 or your local police immediately.
For more information on supports/resources available to you, including helplines and shelters, please visit:
Please visit this link to complete the survey: